DIY: pins & polaroids

“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” ― Karl Lagerfeld

It is impossible to walk into my room without finding picture frames upon my dresser, on my walls, even in my closet. I love filling my room with photos because I love the idea of one photo having the ability to bring you a thousand memories.

One year ago, my mom surprised me with a mini polaroid camera and I instantly fell in love. Without having to drive anywhere to get photos printed, tiny imagines instantly developed straight out of the miniature camera. After having hundreds of these mini polaroids in boxes under my bed I tried to think of different ways of displaying them. Purchase a cork board? Check! But I wanted MORE so here's what I finally came up with - mini clothespins for my mini polaroid. 

What you'll need:
String of any sort (not too thick if you plan to use mini clothespins)
and clear pushpins

Although it's pretty easy to figure out, here's exactly what I did:
I went with a gold metallic elastic string because of the variety of gold I have throughout my room. I cut each strand about 15 inches. You can choose any length but make sure that you add about an inch extra. Tie each end around the pushpin and double-knot it. I left some extra string after the knot because I loved the way it looked. After you figure out where you want to hang your photos, push the pins into any surface - I chose my wall because I had an empty space for a while trying to decide what I wanted there. And there you have it! 

Note: the holes that remain from the pushpin are so tiny that they can go unnoticed and many colleges allow pushpins to be used on the walls so I figured this would be perfect for any other college students who are dorming! In regards to my polaroid? I did some research and compared the differences between the Fujifulm Instax mini 8 and mini 25 and came to love the features on the 25! Below are the links for each camera so be sure to do some research before investing to see which one better suits your polaroid needs! 

fujifilm instax mini 8 // exact polaroid I use (25)  {mini clothespins found @ Anthropologie}

Do YOU have any other creative ways to hang photos? What do you think of mine? Comment below - I'd love to know what you think!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is such a great idea! You have such a darling blog, hon!

    xo | The Fashion Forecast

    1. Thanks so much! Can't wait to check yours out... x


  3. Amazing post!!
    love your style and your blog!!♥

    Following your blog now, hope you'll follow too (:

    1. Thanks for the follow via Bloglovin'! I was sure to follow you back! xx

  4. This is such a cute DIY, I love it, thanks for sharing!! I still don't have a polaroid camera but will def get one asap, they're so cute and so special to have the photo straight away! :)


  5. This is so cute! I have tones of Polaroids laying around so I'll be giving this a try :) xo

  6. what a fun idea! i don't have any creative way, but I do tuck them into the frame of my full length mirror!

    1. Thank you! And i'd definitely do the exact same thing if I had a full length mirror in my room (Don't really understand why I don't, hmm...)
      x Kaitlin

  7. Hi. I love your blog and nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog for the questions:


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With love & gratitude,
Kaitlin from 5ft ave.